Wrap Around Care
New starters are initially enrolled for 4 weeks, this is to ensure they are settled in and enjoying WAC.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is available every school day in Stramongate school hall, currently starting at 07:45. Bookings can be made by calling the School Office.
Please bring your child into the school hall via the ramp from the junior playground and let a member of Breakfast Club staff know that your child has arrived. Please set up your direct debit instruction on the School grid website (formerly Live Kitchen) before your child attends for the first time.
Cereal, toast, fresh fruit, milk and fruit juice with plenty of games, activities and toys for £3.50 per session.
After School Club
Stramongate After School Club takes children from ages 4-11. We provide a range of healthy snacks for your child whilst at the club and various exciting activities including baking and craft. We also have access to the school grounds giving us chance to do sports activities and much more for £9.00 per session.
After School Club is open every day, with the exception of the last day of term (Autumn, Spring, Summer)
Starting at school finish time 15:15 until 18:00 .
For more information please contact us on 01539 725073 or email wac@stramongate.cumbria.sch.uk.